Archive | January, 2011

Ten ways to start a healthier lifestyle

31 Jan

1.  Cook only in stainless or cast iron cookware – these are the best.

2.  Use glass or porcelain plates in the microwave, never plastic or foam

3.  Buy as many produce as you can that are grown organically especially lettuce and produce where you eat the skin – introduce a new item as often as you can even if you buy less of the organic produce to make up the difference in cost, you will get more from it.

4.  Buy organic milk and organic chicken whenever you can.

5.   Drink water when thirty or tea. Diet products have been doctored with chemicals and artificial sweeteners that are worse for you than the sugar you are trying to avoid.

6.  Eat fresh. Canned foods contain too much sodium and other preservatives that are not good for you.  Support your local farmers’ market.

7.  Look for foods that are naturally coloured. Artificial food colour is poison to the body.

8.  Processed food is poison to the body – bacon, sausage, hotdogs etc. – they are packed with cancer causing additives.

9.  Limit intake of alcoholic beverages to on or two per day and if you smoke start a cessation course.

10. Have a hearty meal of laughter every day – laugh for no reason at all you will feel better and healthier.

Prescriptions for living well – is it getting overbearing

31 Jan
There is a new book the author of which appears to be tired of the increase in prescription for living directed specifically at women which has caused many women to micromanage  and develop greater anxiety about their health.  Instead of living many women  are busy trying to follow other people’s prescriptions.  It is a known fact that when a person is either too fat or too thin they are more susceptible to disease and earlier death.  All the other stuff we are being bombarded with are those trying to sell us something while spouting a lot of  air in the process.  Information is good but too much and often conflicting information can be harmful.
Let’s follow the golden rule – do everything in moderation and most of us will be fine. The focus this year should be on enjoying life and all its gifts in moderation.

Seven health foods that could spell death

31 Jan

Jack Lalanne – father of fitness – lessons worth learning

31 Jan

Some might say there are people who is alive at more than 100 years and do not do exercise but we have to look at the life in the years of a person than the other way around. What’s the use of living on a couch, can’t do much, can’t enjoy life, just being there like a burden to others. That’s not living, that’s existing, just breathing . Jack was healthy to his dying day – now that’s what living is all about. We should all go out like a light bulb.  I would urge you to get active, eat fresh foods, eat simply and enjoy your life.

1. Weightlifting is good: Jack faced a lot of criticism from the medical establishment for this one.

2. “If man made it, don’t eat it.”: This was one of Jack’s famous quotes. He also said, “If it tastes good, spit it out.”

3. Your body can handle a lot more exercise than you think:

4. Focus on functionality:

5. Fitness is fun:

6. Use it or lose it:

7. If you have lost it, you can get it back:

8. Find out what you’re capable of:

9. Be a good example to others:.

10. Never stop being active:  Jack lived active, spry, and amazing for 96 years.

Read more, click on the link below.–10-things-we-learned-from-jack-lalanne

Foods to stimulate foods to calm

31 Jan

According to an article in Alternet Online Magazine, the information in which I trust , here are some foods to help you to sleep and to keep you awake:

Foods that promote sleep and calm:

pumpkin seeds, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, brown rice and spinach

Foods that promotes insomnia

refined carbs, MSG (monosodium glutamate), bacon, alcohol and chocolate.

Read more below:

Do diets work?

31 Jan

The jury will always be out on this. It is probably one of the most lucrative industries in the world – the diet industry – which is fuelled by women’s insecurities about body image and self-esteem based on the lies and untruths that the media and industry continue to feed them. On the one hand they say lose weight and in the same ad there will be advertisements on all kinds of unhealthy foods to buy. This is crazy making. Thanks to Alternet Magazine which is one of the most progressives source of good information, in the world,  the myths perpetrated by the diet industry have been busted.  Before you go on another diet, please read this information and think about how you want to live your life – click on the link below: (excerpt from article)

Beyond the psychology of dieting and our largely inherited physiology, we’re still driven by the evolutionary pressures that drove our ancient hominid ancestors — hunters and gatherers, who had to make the most of every bite to survive. Sometimes their food was plentiful, but during times of scarcity, their bodies adapted by lowering their metabolism to conserve every calorie consumed. Following a period of scarcity, their bodies became even more efficient at storing fat in preparation for the next famine. These fat-layered bodies, better able to adapt to scarcity, were likelier to reproduce. As a species, therefore, we’ve inherited a predisposition to hold onto fat after each period of scarcity. Today, our bodies can’t distinguish between hunger caused by famine and hunger caused by a self-imposed diet — and they react to the latter as if it were the former. The “failure” of diets is actually a “success” in terms of species survival!

When dieting for weight loss, our bodies respond to the perceived famine by feeding off fat and muscle. Muscle is the metabolically active part of our body: the more muscle we have, the more calories we can burn. Since every weight-loss attempt includes the loss of both fat and muscle (but what’s regained is only fat), dieters burn even fewer calories, which makes it easier to gain weight and results in a higher fat-to-muscle ratio. Repeated dieting attempts may significantly increase the percentage of body fat over time. In fact, in 2007, Traci Mann and her colleagues at UCLA conducted a comprehensive and rigorous metanalysis of 31 long-term studies of obesity treatment for Medicare patients. They found that despite losing 5 to 10 percent of their starting weight in the first six months, the vast majority of dieters had regained all the weight — and within four or five years, one-third to two-thirds of subjects had regained more weight than they’d lost.

Why Cow’s Milk

28 Jan

Every year there are complaints and concerns about the amount of toxins we put into our systems through milk laced with chemicals, hormones and  antibiotics, many of which are harmful to humans when taken in excess of the normal dosage. Some farmers ply their animals with drugs to keep them going until they are going to be someone’s dinner or to produce more milk.  Why do we persist in drinking milk longer and more consistently than any other animal on the planet.  Why do we need milk after we are weaned from our mother’s milk which is the only milk we should be drinking. There are healthier alternatives to those who can’t be weaned from milk – there is almond, soy and other types of milk.

“F.D.A. is concerned that the same poor management practices which led to the meat residues may also result in drug residues in milk,” the agency said in a document explaining its plan to the industry. In the same document, the F.D.A. said it believed that the nation’s milk supply was safe.

Today, every truckload of milk is tested for four to six antibiotics that are commonly used on dairy farms. The list includes drugs like penicillin and ampicillin, which are also prescribed for people. Each year, only a small number of truckloads are found to be “hot milk,” containing trace amounts of antibiotics. In those cases, the milk is destroyed.

But dairy farmers use many more drugs that are not regularly tested for in milk. Regulators are concerned because some of those other drugs have been showing up in the slaughterhouse testing.  Read the entire article below.

Super Cupcake

13 Jan

 Every now and then a great recipe comes along.  Here’s a little indulgence with a healthy punch.  Try it and let me know. I’ll let you know how mine turns out as well.

Velvety beet cupcakes made with nutritious superfoods

Five foods that can help you feel better

10 Jan

Feeling a little down, don’t reach for a pill just yet, try natural foods to see if it does the trick of picking you up.  These are suggestions but you know that moderation is the key.

Five foods that make you happy