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A Pedometer can help you walk off the weight

21 Nov

pedometer533.jpgLooking for a simple way to improve your health? Consider the lowly pedometer.  Research shows that this simple little gadget around the waist is a great motivator.  I can attest to it myself.  I used to wear one before it got broken and I have not replaced it yet.  Everyday if I did not make my minimum 10,000 steps I would not rest.  If I cannot get it together during my lunch break, I would watch TV and run on the spot or run around the house during commercial breaks until I am up to speed.  It works, I tell you no lie.

In a review of more than two dozen studies, researchers at Stanford University found that people who used pedometers to monitor their daily activity walked about 2,000 more steps every day, or about one extra mile, compared to those who weren’t counting steps.   Now that I do not have a pedometer, I am not as conscientious about taking their extra steps or making sure that I have covered my minimum.

  Why not try it and share  your results with me. I would love to hear if you have found it motivating as well.