Archive | December, 2012

Are you prepared to be a guinea pig

31 Dec

GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) coming to a supermarket near you unmarked. That’s right, you won’t know what you are eating. I think there is something inherently wrong in this approach. I think foods should be labelled properly, we should know where it originated and whether it is natural or artificial and let us make our own informed choices. As for me I am sticking with the foods that the universe gave us – fats, carbs, whole-grains and fruits and vegetables. One cannot go wrong there except when scientists tamper with these groups and begin to add all sorts of unnatural combinations for us to eat without knowing the side effects. Who cares? By the time we find out about the effects of eating GMO foods, the money will be made and there’s be enough to hand out pittance in the form of compensations. But what can compensate for a good, healthy life? No money can compensate for that.

This website is chockfull of great information

25 Dec

I found this on FB and felt it was worth sharing.
After you click on the link, click on Veggies are healthy and then on the photos there you will find lots of information on suggested foods and their health benefits.

To all my friends who are passionate about our health

25 Dec

Happy Holidays all my friends

First of all thank you for visiting my blog and for those of you who take the time to comment or to let me know how you feel about the article.

It is my absolute pleasure to wish you a very happy holidays to you and your family. I wish you peace, prosperity and purpose today. I wish you love for your family and for mankind for with love in your heart your world is perfect and everything is as it should be.  Even though I do not know you physically, we are connected because we are spirit and we are one.

My love goes out to all of you and I hope we keep our connection strong.  Enjoy the treats, the conversations, the gifts and the giving.

From my family to yours.