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Season Sense

30 Jul

Season Sense 28 Jul 2007, Get seasonally right on your fruits and vegetables with the help of Vijaya Venkat Non-seasonal fruits and vegetables may be a growing trend particularly among city folk, but if you are acq u a i n t e d with the fact that these foods are loaded with h a r m f u l ch e m i c a l s and preservatives , you’d p ro b ably think twice before putting them on your table.

MANGOES: Mango is an essential body builder, purifier and vitalizer. It’s highly nourishing and is traditionally used to treat disorders of the stomach, eyes and infections.

WATERMELON: A watermelon juice is considered more pure than mountain water. It is not only filling but it also has the capacity to cleanse and replenish the body.

 CHERRIES: Cherries are best known as anti-oxidants . In addition to being good cholesterol lowering compounds , they are also famously used as anti-ageing supplements.

CABBAGE: Cabbage is known to contain a lot of iron which makes it perfect food for anemic people and pregnant women. However, the best way to preserve it’s nutritional content is to pickle cabbage. Over cooking the vegetable is also known to reduce the nutritional value.

 DUDHI / BOTTLE GOURD: It is best for those who want to lose weight as it is low in saturated fats and high in dietary fibers. It is cooling and refreshing. It is also good to maintain optimum health. Other summer fruits and vegetables are tinda, tori, cucumber , plums, peaches and targola.

BANANA: It is the most ideal food; easily digested, wholesome and its richness and live nutrients cleanse the body. In terms of productivity and weight, bananas supply human needs far better than animal products.

POMEGRANATE: They maintain the balance in the body. They are known as the safer and healthier alternatives to antibiotics and immunizations . They can be stored for months as nourishment.

PAPAYA: It is also called the complete food. A ripe papaya acts like an instant energizer propelling the body tow a rd s greater efficiency . It is a delicious protector against infections

BRINJALS Brinjals are used to control cholesterol . Salting and then rinsing the sliced eggplant will soften and remove much of the bitterness. They absorb large amounts of cooking oil, and sauces very fast.

L E M O N S : Lemons are used in aromatherapy as they are known to reduce stress. They also have anti-carcinogens and are used as alternative medicine for skin.

O N I O N S : Onions are packed with a whole lot of good nutrients. They are known to cure boils and blisters. It contains anti-inflammatory substances. Other rainy fruits and vegetables are pineapples, apples, tomatoes, potatoes, corn and mint.

FIG: It is full of protein and iron and natural sugars. One can live off figs and no other food for a considerable time. It is known as a body building element.

GUAVA: It is easier to consume guavas than leafy vegetables . It keeps the body cool and quenched and helps avoid constipation.

ORANGE: Its immediate absorption in the body and utilization makes it ideal for strengthening and refreshing both the invalids and healthy.

STRAWBERRY: It makes an excellent remedy for children’s ailments. It can be used externally as a wash as well.

GRAPES: It is high in water and fiber content . They help loosen hardened deposits in the body thereby aiding in circulationn . Soaking grapes before eating is advisable.

BEETROOT: Beetroot can be peeled, steamed, and then eaten warm with butter as a delicacy. In every form it is highly nutritional. It is known to be good for your skin too.

LADY’S FINGER: Lady’s finger seeds may be roasted and ground to form a non-caffeinated substitute for coffee. The other winter vegetables are French beans, red pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower , spinach and peas.

MONSOON Monsoon foods are more on the sweeter and citric side packed with a lot of nutrients that provide the necessary comfort. Vegetables can be eaten raw against the common belief that they should be well cooked, as they bring out the actual taste.

WHY BUY SEASONAL? This has the advantage of our bodies receiving the nutrients we need at a particular time, for none of us is truly aware of the subtle changes that take place within that necessitates an adjustment in our intake of food.

Fruits and vegetables will not only be cheaper but also at their flavour and nutritional peaks.The larger benefit of buying seasonal is the good it does the environment.

WHY STEER CLEAR OF NON-SEASONAL FRUITS AND VEGGIES? They lose their nutritional value due to preservatives like diphosphides , sulphides and formic acids.

The consumption of chemically treated off season fruits and vegetables primarily affects children. They also contain chemical colours that can affect the stomach, kidney and liver. Buying non-seasonal also means a hit on your pocket.